Inverted Nipples
Inverted Nipples are most commonly seen in women. The inversion may be present at birth, and can involve one or both nipples. For some women, inverted nipples will resolve during puberty or pregnancy, while for other women the problem will not appear until puberty or pregnancy. For young women, this is a normal finding, often associated with anatomically short breast ducts. The short ducts tether the nipple to the deeper breast tissue, and do not allow the nipple to fully extend. For some, the nipple can not be everted at all. For others, the short ducts may manifest as a Shy Nipple that can evert with stimulation or cold. Inverted Nipples are usually only a cosmetic issue, though mastitis may be more frequent in breasts with inverted nipples. When an inverted nipple develops suddenly, is associated with nipple discharge or nipple bleeding or first appears at an older age, this may be the sign of underlying pathology, and should be brought to your doctor’s attention.
Inverted Nipple Correction Before and After Photos
Inverted Nipple Correction
Inverted Nipple Correction, also know as Inverted Nipple Repair, is a minor surgical procedure, often performed in the office under local anesthesia, and has a relatively short recovery period. It may also be performed during other cosmetic breast procedures such as: Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction or Breast Lift.
Techniques of Inverted Nipple Correction
Since there are many levels of nipple inversion, there are many techniques for Inverted Nipple Correction. It is always best to do the smallest amount of surgery that will get the job done; however, the most frequent problem seen after inverted nipple repair is recurrence. This is another reason for the development of multiple approaches to inverted nipple correction.
Most techniques for repairing the Inverted Nipple involve releasing or stretching of the short breast ducts, and bolstering the nipple forwards to prevent scar from pulling the nipple back inside. A short incision is made at the base of the nipple to allow visualization of the ducts. The tethering is released, and often sutures are used to rearrange the tissues under the skin and hold the nipple erect during the healing process. Fine sutures are then used to align the skin edges and close the small incision.
Inverted Nipple Correction and Breast Feeding
Milk is brought to the nipple by the same short ducts that tether the nipple and cause inversion. If you are planning on breast feeding, it is best to wait until after you have finished before having Inverted Nipple Correction. Releasing the inverted nipple may require cutting the milk ducts, and this may make it difficult to breast feed in the future. Inverted nipples can make it more difficult for an infant to latch on, but it may be still be possible, and a breast pump should still function with inverted nipples.
Schedule an Inverted Nipple Correction Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery, please call (925) 943-6353 or contact our cosmetic surgery office to book a consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Joseph Mele, MD.