Nasal Augmentation is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure used to restore facial harmony when the nose is flat or is too small for the face.
What is Nasal Augmentation?
Nasal Augmentation, using cartilage, bone or a Nasal Implant, is a great way to make a small or flat nose match the rest of your face. This procedure uses cartilage, bone or a Dorsal Nasal Implant for Nose Enlargement, to improve facial proportions and enhance your self-confidence. Augmentation Nasoplasty is often performed in conjunction with other Rhinoplasty procedures, to help balance the nose with other facial features, and create more harmonious proportions.
Nasal Augmentation Before and After Photos (Dorsal Nasal Implants)

Schedule a Nasal Implant Consultation
The best way to decide if Nasal Enhancement is right for you is with a private consultation with our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Joseph Mele MD FACS. A large amount of information about Dorsal Nasal Augmentation is detailed below; however, a consultation is interactive. During your consultation, the options pertaining to your specific needs are discussed in detail, and you can have your questions answered in an individualized manner. Computer Imaging is available to facilitate the discussion. This allows Dr. Mele to get a better idea of how much nasal augmentation is enough for you, and allows us to get an idea of what your nose will look like. An in-person consultation allows for the creation of the best possible approach for your particular needs.
Dr. Joseph Mele—our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon—is experienced with multiple Nasal Augmentation techniques including:
- Autologous Nasal Augmentation – a graft of your own cartilage or bone is used to augment your nose.
- Nasal Augmentation with a Nasal Implant – A nasal implant is used for nasal augmentation.
- Temporary Nasal Augmentation – if you are undecided and would like to “try out” a Nasal Implant, dermal fillers like Restylane, Perlane or Juvederm can be injected to temporarily increase the size of your nose. If you like the result, it can be maintained with periodic re-injections, or a Nasal Implant of similar volume can be placed. If you don’t like it, the filler will gradually absorb over time.
To schedule a consultation, call (925) 943-6353 or fill out our contact form.
Facial Augmentation including Nasal Augmentation Videos
The Nasal Augmentation Procedure
You may be a good candidate for Nasal Augmentation (Dorsal Nasal Implant), if you have:
- A small nose that is relatively flat in the area between the eyes
- A normal sized nose that appears small because the chin is strong
- Normal nasal skin with enough laxity to accommodate a Nasal Implant
The goals of Nasal Augmentation at our San Francisco East Bay Area facility are to maximize your results, return you to your normal activities and minimize your recovery, risks and scar. During your Nasal Augmentation surgery, Dr. Mele makes a small incision inside the nose. If Rhinoplasty is being performed, the rhinoplasty incision is used. Next, a pocket is made to the exact dimensions of the desired Nasal Implant. This reduces the chance of the implant moving. The incision is then carefully closed to promote primary healing and the finest possible scar.
Nose Enlargement can be combined with other facial plastic surgery procedures to achieve balanced facial rejuvenation. Nasal Augmentation is most often combined with Rhinoplasty (Nasal Surgery), and other cosmetic facial plastic surgery procedures.
Dr. Mele is an experienced facial cosmetic surgeon. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) and the American Board of Surgery (ABS), as well as an active member of the premier plastic surgery professional organizations, including the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
All cosmetic procedures are performed in an accredited surgical facility. Nose Implants are most often placed under general anesthesia, but can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation for the properly selected patient. The method best for you, will be determined as part of your personal Nose Augmentation consultation.
Nasal Implant Preparation | Before Nasal Augmentation Surgery
Dr. Mele will review what you need to do before your Nasal Augmentation at your preoperative appointment. Individual instructions will vary, but in general, you should be in good health. Preexisting medical problems should be identified and well controlled prior to surgery. If you become ill prior to surgery, please call our office at (925) 943-6353 and let us know.
It is very important to avoid medications or supplements that increase the risk of bleeding during the weeks before surgery. Bleeding not only makes the procedure more difficult, it also increases post-operative bruising and discomfort. Bleeding also increases the risk of complications, so the less bleeding the better.
Regardless of the type of anesthesia selected, general or local with sedation, you should not eat or drink anything for eight hours prior to surgery, unless you are specifically instructed otherwise. Many prescription medications can be taken the morning of surgery with a few sips of water, but the timing of each medication should be reviewed before surgery.
The day of surgery, you want to arrive rested and about an hour before the scheduled operative time. Dr. Mele will see you before surgery and confirm the goals and approach for your procedure, so your Nasal Augmentation proceeds smoothly.
Nasal Augmentation Follow-Up | After Nasal Augmentation Surgery
After your Nasal Augmentation you may be sore, and the nose may feel numb. Tylenol is sometimes sufficient for pain control, though stronger medication is often needed for the first few days. Elevation of the head and cool compresses to the nose are recommended to control discomfort and reduce swelling. This helps speed your healing and will make you feel better faster. Most upright activities are permitted; however, vigorous activities that increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure are to be avoided. Bending down, straining and lifting heavy objects is also prohibited after Rhinoplasty until cleared by Dr. Mele. A soft diet may help if you are sore, but regular food is fine as soon as you feel ready.
Follow-up visits are strategically planned at intervals chosen to be certain that you are healing well. Activities will be liberalized as your healing progresses. Regular activities are usually possible a week or two after your procedure. Scar management will also be reviewed to speed your healing and minimize any scarring.
San Francisco Bay Area Nasal Implant Surgery – Walnut Creek Nasal Augmentation
If you are unhappy with your small or flat nose, consider a Nasal Augmentation consultation at our office. This simple outpatient procedure can produce dramatic results on its own or in combination with other aesthetic facial procedures.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Mele, call (925) 943-6353 or fill out our contact form.